The Beginning and The End

. Friday, September 3, 2010 .
It seems to be that season of plant life living out it's last days. No matter how much I water or how much God water's this time of year everything looks so tired and worn out. Even the most hardy black-eyed Susan's have seen better days. Life in the garden goes on. The plants supply the seeds for the hungry birds in the winter. A resting place for a garden spider. They provide me with a good harvest of seeds to share and for planting for next spring. I dread this time of year. The yard looks so drab unlike all the life I see in the spring. But I know that better days are coming. I just need to be patient. It is a just kinda like life if you think about it.
It seems to be that season of plant life living out it's last days. No matter how much I water or how much God water's this time of year everything looks so tired and worn out. Even the most hardy black-eyed Susan's have seen better days. Life in the garden goes on. The plants supply the seeds for the hungry birds in the winter. A resting place for a garden spider. They provide me with a good harvest of seeds to share and for planting for next spring. I dread this time of year. The yard looks so drab unlike all the life I see in the spring. But I know that better days are coming. I just need to be patient. It is a just kinda like life if you think about it.


gina said...

you really write and express yourself well. :) fall is my 2nd favorite the fall colors and cooler temps, but it can't match the color and new life that spring brings. post my yellow...

Kathy said...

excellent jan. writing vs. photo--very neat

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